Why iSteel-Expert
In the melting area of steelworks situation awareness is a key to ensure process reliability, health and safety at the workplace and low environmental impact.
The hemorrhage of highly skilled people in a sort of ‘war of talents’ is a serious business threat, which can be faced by creating attractive workplaces and stimulating working conditions;
- preserve and evolve company’s know-how by improving work force management.
- increase process efficiency
- improve equipment condition and maintenance
- reduce environmental impact

iSteel-Expert: a remote expert virtual system to improve situation awareness in the melting area of electric steelworks.
Our People
Renato Girelli
Electrical & Automation Engineering ManagerRenato Girelli
“I am more than confident that the iSteel-Expert team, all of whom have extensive experience and knowledge in their specific fields, will achieve all of the set goals of the project, with the end result being a game-changing solution in the management of EAF furnace conduction and operation.“
Valentina Colla
Assistant professor of metallurgyScuola Superiore Sant’Anna
“I am the coordinator of SSSA’s team involved in iSteelExpert. Inter-disciplinarity is a key strength for the
project, as it jointly exploits metallurgical and process knowledge and intelligent processing of data
provided by different sensing equipment to improve situation awareness in the melting area.”
Jalal Possik
Associate Professor of Computer Science and EngineeringJalal Possik
“Jalal Possik is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and the Director of the School of Digital Sciences at Lille Catholic University. His research primarily centers on modeling and simulation, virtual reality, and distributed simulation. He will work on the development of the virtual environment, the integration of simulation into the VR world, and the model-based system engineering approach in BPMN integration.”
Charles Yaacoub
Professor of Computer Science and EngineeringCharles Yaacoub
“Charles Yaacoub: professor of computer science and engineering, holds a PhD in signal and image processing and an engineering diploma in computer and communications engineering. He will be assisting in converting the business process model into a simulation while processing real or synthetic data with artificial intelligence tools to develop an immersive training experience that closely replicates the real environment.”
Vincenzo Orlando
Siderpotenza Plant Automation ManagerVincenzo Orlando
“Automation engineer and system integrator with an high experience in automation and process optimization concerning EAF control systems.
He will help to integrate the existing EAF automation system with a new isteel-expert sensors and applications.”
Giuseppe Satriano
Siderpotenza Steelwork ManagerGiuseppe Satriano
“I am the Steelwork Manager, with over 15 years of experience in plant, process and human resources management.
I believe that iSteel Expert is an opportunity to help workers work better and safer, guaranteeing the main production and environmental KPIs more easily.”
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